Talk at McGill University's Centre for the Study of Learning and Performance
Panelist on Teacher Stories Episode (along with Drs. Jennifer Hauver and Victor Rios)
Professional Development on Fake News and Media Literacy for the Maine Department of Education
InquirEd/NCSS Webinar on Teaching the 2020 Election (with Dr. Paula McAvoy)
Interview with La Verdad Internacional on Teaching Fake News
Episode 114: Unpacking Fake News
Episode 106: Getting Inquiry Design Just Right (with Drs. Emma Thacker and Adam Friedman)
Episode 97: The State of Social Studies Scholarship (with Drs. Paul Fitchett, Will Russell, Ken Carano, Jessica Schocker, Sarah Brooks, Cynthia Sunal, Brad Maguth, and Scott Waring)
Episode 73: End of Year Social Studies Review (with Mr. Nate Bowling)
Episode 52: Social Studies Research/Theory & Research in Social Education
Episode 8: Teacher Political Disclosure
Episode 106: Getting Inquiry Design Just Right (with Drs. Emma Thacker and Adam Friedman)
Episode 97: The State of Social Studies Scholarship (with Drs. Paul Fitchett, Will Russell, Ken Carano, Jessica Schocker, Sarah Brooks, Cynthia Sunal, Brad Maguth, and Scott Waring)
Episode 73: End of Year Social Studies Review (with Mr. Nate Bowling)
Episode 52: Social Studies Research/Theory & Research in Social Education
Episode 8: Teacher Political Disclosure
Selected Invited Lectures and Media Appearances
--Invited virtual guest lectures: University of Florida (2023), Universidad Pontifica Bolivariana (2022), Western Oregon University (2021), University of Texas at Austin (2020), University of Cincinnati (2019), University of Rochester (2019), University of Wisconsin (2018), Florida International University (2018), Luther College (2017), University of Missouri (2015 & 2020), College of William & Mary (2014), and Clemson University (2013)
--Op-ed, "Advice on academic journal submissions" Inside Higher Ed, 2/3/23
--Op-ed, "Why would anyone want to be a journal editor?" Inside Higher Ed, 1/10/23
--Op-ed, "Why controversial issues must still be taught in U.S. classrooms," (co-authored with Judith Pace) EdSource, 11/2/21
--Interviewed for The Hechinger Report article on teacher political neutrality, 2/2/21
--Interviewed for a Dallas Morning News article on teaching the 2020 Presidential Election, 11/5/20
--Keynote speaker, "Teaching Social Studies in a Post-Truth Society: Fake News, Covid-19, and Moving Forward," Ohio Council for the Social Studies annual meeting, October 8, 2020
--Invited panelist (along with Drs. Anne-Lise Halvorsen, Allie Whitford, Mark Kissling, and Marc Brasof), "Social Studies and Covid-19," Pennsylvania Council for the Social Studies annual meeting, October 1, 2020
--Invited panelist (along with Dr. Paula McAvoy), "Teaching the 2020 Election: Rights and Responsibilities," InquirEd and National Council for the Social Studies webinar, September 14, 2020
--Op-ed, "Covid-19 should spell the end of a controversial teacher licensure requirement in NC" NC Policy Watch (7/27/20)
--Invited blog post, "Facts vs. Fake News," World History Project
--Feature presentation, "Understanding Fake News: What It Is, Why It Works, and What We Can Do About It," National Council for the Social Studies annual meeting, Austin, TX, 11/22/19 (Also, keynote presentation at the North Carolina Council for the Social Studies, 2/21/20)
--Book signing, Unpacking Fake News: An Educator's Guide to Navigating the Media with Students, National Council for the Social Studies annual meeting, Austin, TX, 11/22/19
--Invited presentation, "Beyond Media Literacy: Understanding and Combating Fake News," Council of Social Studies State Specialists annual meeting, Austin, TX, 11/20/19
--Invited presentation, "Leading in a Post-Truth Era: Gaining Non-Partisan Support in a Polarized Political Climate," National Council for the Social Studies Summer Leadership Collaborative, Charlotte, NC, 7/17/19
--Invited presentation (with Michael Simpson and Scott Waring), "Social Studies Publications," Council of Chief State School Officers, 5/23/19
--National Council for the Social Studies "Member Spotlight," 3/12/19
--Invited Keynote Speaker, Council of Chief State School Officers meeting, Boston, MA, 10/16/18
--Invited author lecture/book signing (Teaching Politics in Secondary Education), University of Delaware, 9/13/18
--Profiled in the Spring 2017 UNCG Research Magazine
--Interviewed for Christian Science Monitor article on teaching the 2016 Presidential Election, 11/3/16
--Invited presentation, "The Controversy Over Controversies in Social Studies Education," UNCG School of Education Annual Research Awards Ceremony, 4/22/16
--Invited respondent, "Classroom Q&A with Larry Ferlazzo," Education Week, 10/25/16
--Invited panelist, "Teaching Sensitive and Controversial Issues," North Carolina Department of Public Instruction K-12 Social Studies Fall Leaders Institute, 9/29/16
--Invited panelist (with Drs. Tina Heafner, Mark Helmsing, and Jeremy Stoddard), "Social Studies Research," Council of State Social Studies Specialists, 11/12/15
--Invited presentation, "Social Media and K-12 Classrooms," Triad Intercollegiate Conference, Elon University, 2/21/15
--Invited presentation, "The State of Education in North Carolina," Leadership Greensboro, 2/10/15
--Invited presentation (with Mr. Andy Kraft), "Creating Videos of Exemplary Social Studies Instruction," North Carolina Ready for Success English-Language Arts Summit, 9/26/14
--Keynote address, UNCG Chancellor's New Student Convocation, 8/17/14
--Interviewed for Associated Press article on the debate over funding teaching assistants in North Carolina, 7/21/14
--Television interview, WFMY News 2, for story "Company Pitches Online Only School to North Carolina Lawmakers," 2/4/14
--Radio interview, 97-9-FM, WCHL Chapel Hill/Carrboro for story, "Push for Teacher Raises Takes Hold in NC," 1/19/14 (and accompanying news article on
--Television interview, WXII12, for story "UNCG Professor Petitions Governor McCrory Seeking Help," 1/17/14
--Op-Ed, "Teacher of Teachers Reaches out to Governor McCrory for help," NC Policy Watch, 1/13/14
--Invited presentation, "Tips for Online Education," UNCG Student Academic Success Program, 12/10/13
--Invited panelist, Dell and Roanoke County Schools "Innovation in Teaching and Learning Social Think Tank," 11/13/13
--Keynote address, Kappa Delta Pi Induction Ceremony, UNCG School of Education, 3/28/11
--Op-ed, "Advice on academic journal submissions" Inside Higher Ed, 2/3/23
--Op-ed, "Why would anyone want to be a journal editor?" Inside Higher Ed, 1/10/23
--Op-ed, "Why controversial issues must still be taught in U.S. classrooms," (co-authored with Judith Pace) EdSource, 11/2/21
--Interviewed for The Hechinger Report article on teacher political neutrality, 2/2/21
--Interviewed for a Dallas Morning News article on teaching the 2020 Presidential Election, 11/5/20
--Keynote speaker, "Teaching Social Studies in a Post-Truth Society: Fake News, Covid-19, and Moving Forward," Ohio Council for the Social Studies annual meeting, October 8, 2020
--Invited panelist (along with Drs. Anne-Lise Halvorsen, Allie Whitford, Mark Kissling, and Marc Brasof), "Social Studies and Covid-19," Pennsylvania Council for the Social Studies annual meeting, October 1, 2020
--Invited panelist (along with Dr. Paula McAvoy), "Teaching the 2020 Election: Rights and Responsibilities," InquirEd and National Council for the Social Studies webinar, September 14, 2020
--Op-ed, "Covid-19 should spell the end of a controversial teacher licensure requirement in NC" NC Policy Watch (7/27/20)
--Invited blog post, "Facts vs. Fake News," World History Project
--Feature presentation, "Understanding Fake News: What It Is, Why It Works, and What We Can Do About It," National Council for the Social Studies annual meeting, Austin, TX, 11/22/19 (Also, keynote presentation at the North Carolina Council for the Social Studies, 2/21/20)
--Book signing, Unpacking Fake News: An Educator's Guide to Navigating the Media with Students, National Council for the Social Studies annual meeting, Austin, TX, 11/22/19
--Invited presentation, "Beyond Media Literacy: Understanding and Combating Fake News," Council of Social Studies State Specialists annual meeting, Austin, TX, 11/20/19
--Invited presentation, "Leading in a Post-Truth Era: Gaining Non-Partisan Support in a Polarized Political Climate," National Council for the Social Studies Summer Leadership Collaborative, Charlotte, NC, 7/17/19
--Invited presentation (with Michael Simpson and Scott Waring), "Social Studies Publications," Council of Chief State School Officers, 5/23/19
--National Council for the Social Studies "Member Spotlight," 3/12/19
--Invited Keynote Speaker, Council of Chief State School Officers meeting, Boston, MA, 10/16/18
--Invited author lecture/book signing (Teaching Politics in Secondary Education), University of Delaware, 9/13/18
--Profiled in the Spring 2017 UNCG Research Magazine
--Interviewed for Christian Science Monitor article on teaching the 2016 Presidential Election, 11/3/16
--Invited presentation, "The Controversy Over Controversies in Social Studies Education," UNCG School of Education Annual Research Awards Ceremony, 4/22/16
--Invited respondent, "Classroom Q&A with Larry Ferlazzo," Education Week, 10/25/16
--Invited panelist, "Teaching Sensitive and Controversial Issues," North Carolina Department of Public Instruction K-12 Social Studies Fall Leaders Institute, 9/29/16
--Invited panelist (with Drs. Tina Heafner, Mark Helmsing, and Jeremy Stoddard), "Social Studies Research," Council of State Social Studies Specialists, 11/12/15
--Invited presentation, "Social Media and K-12 Classrooms," Triad Intercollegiate Conference, Elon University, 2/21/15
--Invited presentation, "The State of Education in North Carolina," Leadership Greensboro, 2/10/15
--Invited presentation (with Mr. Andy Kraft), "Creating Videos of Exemplary Social Studies Instruction," North Carolina Ready for Success English-Language Arts Summit, 9/26/14
--Keynote address, UNCG Chancellor's New Student Convocation, 8/17/14
--Interviewed for Associated Press article on the debate over funding teaching assistants in North Carolina, 7/21/14
--Television interview, WFMY News 2, for story "Company Pitches Online Only School to North Carolina Lawmakers," 2/4/14
--Radio interview, 97-9-FM, WCHL Chapel Hill/Carrboro for story, "Push for Teacher Raises Takes Hold in NC," 1/19/14 (and accompanying news article on
--Television interview, WXII12, for story "UNCG Professor Petitions Governor McCrory Seeking Help," 1/17/14
--Op-Ed, "Teacher of Teachers Reaches out to Governor McCrory for help," NC Policy Watch, 1/13/14
--Invited presentation, "Tips for Online Education," UNCG Student Academic Success Program, 12/10/13
--Invited panelist, Dell and Roanoke County Schools "Innovation in Teaching and Learning Social Think Tank," 11/13/13
--Keynote address, Kappa Delta Pi Induction Ceremony, UNCG School of Education, 3/28/11