I regularly teach courses at the undergraduate, master's, and doctoral levels. My primary responsibilities include teaching middle and secondary social studies methods courses, as well as doctoral seminars on educational research. The full list of courses I have taught at UNCG includes the following:
TED453/553 Secondary Social Studies Methods
TED454/554 Middle Grades Social Studies Methods
TED465/466/680 Student Teaching and Seminar
TED495 Middle Grades Teacher Education Capstone Seminar
TED610 Integrating Technology in the Content Areas
TED631 Trends in Teaching Practices & Curriculum in Secondary Social Studies
TED638 Seminar in Secondary Education
TED650 Intersection of Classroom Management and Instruction
TED669 Educational Implications of Learning and Developmental Theory
TED688 Teaching Controversial Issues
TED688 Theory and Practice in Online Education
TED746 Research on Teaching
TED765 Research on Equity Education
TED775 Directed Doctoral Research
TED454/554 Middle Grades Social Studies Methods
TED465/466/680 Student Teaching and Seminar
TED495 Middle Grades Teacher Education Capstone Seminar
TED610 Integrating Technology in the Content Areas
TED631 Trends in Teaching Practices & Curriculum in Secondary Social Studies
TED638 Seminar in Secondary Education
TED650 Intersection of Classroom Management and Instruction
TED669 Educational Implications of Learning and Developmental Theory
TED688 Teaching Controversial Issues
TED688 Theory and Practice in Online Education
TED746 Research on Teaching
TED765 Research on Equity Education
TED775 Directed Doctoral Research
Useful Instructional Websites for Social Studies Education
Here is a collection of social studies links that I have either used in my own classrooms or I have discovered through research. By no means is this a complete list of relevant social studies links; however, I will continue to update the list as I discover new websites. If you know of a website that I do not have listed here, please email me at [email protected]
General Teaching Tools (Non-Social Studies Specific)
Allows you to use your smartphone to quickly grade a class-set of reusable scantron forms
Allows you to send group texts to students and parents
A free learning management system for educators
A tool that allows you to collect student data by having them hold up placards
Bubbl Graphic Organizer Software
This is a free, open source software that acts very similar to Inspiration. You can create graphic organizers of material and save up to three of them.
Poll Everywhere
A site that allows you to use students' cell phones in class to respond to questions anonymously. Great for talking about controversial events or when you want to get non-talkative students involved in class discussions. The site is free for classes of under 30 people.
Resources for History
BBC History
A collection of games, simulations, lesson plans, and other resources pertaining to European and ancient history. To find the educational content, use the links on the bottom of the page.
1619 Project
Full text of a project by The New York Times to reorient the teaching of U.S. History from the start of slavery. Includes instructional activities for educators
The History Channel
A collection of videos and lessons relating to all aspects of history
A site that allows you to create word clouds from large amounts of text. A unique way of looking at historical speeches and other text.
A very cool resource that uses social data and then maps it. Great to show social changes over time and across the globe, which could be used in a variety of social studies contexts (e.g., history, sociology, geography, economics)
This site allows students to make online posters using a variety of graphic tools. Great for visual interpretations of content. You do need to register, but it is FREE.
Another website that allows for the creation of digital timelines
This site allows for the creation of fake Facebook pages of historical figures and other famous people.
Crash Course in U.S. History
Short, 15 minute videos that provide a crash course in various topics in U.S. History. Great for review exercises.
A site that allows you to upload pictures and then give those pictures a "voice" by providing them audio dialogue for them to "say"
A website that offers a searchable database for popular music--great for finding songs about specific historical eras and events.
The Library of Congress
The best collection of primary sources relating to American history found on the Internet. The site contains historical documents, oral histories (available in audio), art, music, literature, and other primary artifacts relating to American history and culture
Map Collections
Also operated by the Library of Congress, this contains a variety of historical maps of the U.S. and individual states
Prints and Photographs Collection
Operated by the Library of Congress, this is a searchable database of images from all stages of American history
American Memory Timeline
A timeline of American History with relevant primary sources that have already been adapted for length for the classroom
A collection of historical pictures that are royalty free
Documenting the American South
A site run by UNC-Chapel Hill that provides information and sources about the history of North Carolina and the American South
American Rhetoric
Full Text, MP3 audio, and video of the most famous historical, political, and cultural speeches given in U.S. History.
Digital History
Operated by the University of Houston, a searchable database of American history primary sources.
The Oyez Project
Operated by Northwestern University, a searchable database of U.S. Supreme Court decisions
The Hanover Historical Texts Project
A extensive collection of primary sources related to Ancient, European, and American history.
Medieval Sourcebook
A site sponsored by Fordham University, it contains a plethora of resources and websites for teaching about the Middle Ages, the Crusades, and other topics of that time period.
The National Archives
A collection of lesson plans and resources from the National Archives
Harper's Weekly
A searchable database of American historical political cartoons
Our Documents
A list of the 100 most influential documents in American history
Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History
A collection of resources and documents relating to American History
National Humanities Center
Primary Resources in U.S. History and Literature
The Gutenberg Project
A collection of full text novels and other literature that has been entered into the public domain
Historical Thinking Matters
A site created by Sam Wineburg and operated by George Mason and Stanford Universities, it explains how teachers should best use primary sources in the classroom.
Benchmarks of Historical Thinking
A site that discusses and provides resources on historical thinking and what historical information students should be able to know in primary and secondary education.
Zinn Project
A website devoted to the work of the late Howard Zinn. Contains free material for educators.
WWII Multimedia Database
Website with a ton of primary sources in the form of pictures and other multimedia formats
Virtual Vietnam Wall
Website where you can search all names on the Vietnam War Memorial. Biographical data is given for each name and names can be filtered by state and hometown.
Hiroshima Virtual Museum
Gives pictures and information about Hiroshima before and after the nuclear bomb attacks of 1945
Institute of Egyptian Art and Archaeology
Site run by the University of Memphis pertaining to Egyptian art and archaeology
Ancient Egyptian Pyramids
Virtual tours and other interactive tools related to the pyramids of Egypt. Site is sponsored by PBS.
History of Egyptian Burial Practices
A website with interesting facts about the burial practices of ancient Egypt
Inca Trail/Machu Pichu
A virtual tour and photographs of Machu Pichu and the Inca Trail
The Taj-Mahal
A virtual tour of the Taj-Mahal
Science and Technology of WWII Timeline
A very cool timeline that goes over the major scientific/technological advancements that occurred during the WWII era
Civil War 150
A site run by The History Channel all about the Civil War. Tons of interactive material about weaponry, how soldiers died, who fought, etc.
The National Holocaust Museum
An excellent site that has exhibits, video testimonials from Holocaust survivors and more. (Most museums throughout the world have websites that offer similar features; a Google search is the easiest way to find most of them)
North Carolina Council on the Holocaust
Resources for North Carolina teachers on the Holocaust
International Civil Rights Center and Museum
A website for the museum created to commemorate the students from North Carolina A&T who ushered in the sit-in movement by refusing to leave the F.W. Woolworth building in Greensboro
African-American History Across North Carolina
A timeline of events in African-American history in NC
Slave Narratives from the Federal Writers' Project
Operated by the Library of Congress, this collection contains the written and audio testimony of former slaves as recorded by workers in the Federal Writers' Project, which was created as part of the New Deal legislation to put Americans back to work and combat the Great Depression
Voices from the Days of Slavery
Another collection from the Federal Writers' Project, this collection contains real audio testimonies of former slaves still living in the South in the 1930s.
Indian Education For All
A website operated by the Montana Department of Education in coordination with their Indian Education for All initiative offering lesson plans and activities related to the teaching of American Indians, as well as over 100 video interviews with members of American Indian tribes in Montana on a variety of topics related to tribal life.
The Museum of the American Indian
A website hosted by the Museum of the American Indian, which is operated by the Smithsonian in Washington, D.C.
Japanese-American National Museum
A site dedicated to the history and recognition of Japanese-Americans
National Women's History Project
A website hosted by the National Women's History Project, which provides information and resources relating to women in American history.
Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network
An organization focused on ensuring safe schools for all students. Offers tips on how to make schools safe for LGBT students and provides websites relating to LGBT issues.
The World Bank
Information about low socioeconomic areas in the world and strategies about how to help impoverished areas
Women in World History
A site with primary and secondary sources related to women in world history
Resources for Civics/Government
270 to Win
An interactive Electoral College map of the United States. Users can look at historical breakdowns of past elections as well as manipulate the Electoral College as a way of predicting future elections.
Popular and Electoral College Data Results, 1789-2008
Interactive site shows historical election results by year and state
A web-based civic education project inspired by former Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor. The focus is on providing students with information and tools needed to participate in American democracy.
Pros and Cons of Controversial Issues
Lists over sixty controversial issues and a neutral, non-partisan comparison
Census Data Maps
Sponsored by the New York Times, this website allows students to visually look at census data
City Data Maps
This website generates city maps based on the most recent census data and provides information related to race, household income, and poverty levels.
The Living Room Candidate
A large collection of presidential advertisements/commericals from 1952-2008.
Project Vote Smart
Gives voting decisions and other information about candidates and elected officials.
Annenberg Political Fact Check
A non-partisan organization that assesses the accuracy of a candidate's information in ads, speeches, and debates
Cagle Political Cartoon Database
A collection of daily political cartoons from major newspapers throughout the United States
Polling Report
A collection of polling data from all of the major polling companies
PBS Current Events
A site devoted to teaching students about current events.
Teaching with the News
Another site devoted to teaching students about current events--more emphasis on international news
International Documents Collection
A site sponsored by the Northwestern University Library that contains governmental and geographic data from all nations in the world
Deliberating in a Democracy
An organization dedicated to encouraging deliberation in the classroom. Resources, activities, and lessons on controversial public issues can be found, alongside research done in each of the Deliberating in a Democracy sites throughout the world
Constitution Project
A site sponsored by the University of Richmond that provides drafts of constitutions from nations throughout the world
Election Guide
A website that gives statistics and election results for current elections throughout the world
The Economist
News and Statistical Data from the United States and around the world
BBC News
Leading source for international news
Global Issues
A collection of essays and other resources on many of the world's major global issues and problems
A website that lists liberal and conservative talking points and data for controversial political/social issues
A website that allows you to adapt current event articles to various reading levels
Resources for Geography
CIA World Factbook
A comprehensive site that gives demographic and physical data about every country in the world
Nation Background Notes
Part of the State Department website that gives economic, political, and geographic data about every country in the world
National Geographic
A collection of lessons and resources related to geography
A site operated by National Geographic, contains interactive features for students.
Show World
A great site that allows you to manipulate maps of the world based on demographic and geographic factors.
Another great site that allows you manipulate maps of the world based on demographic and geographic factors.
Resources for Economics
Econ Ed Link
A site with lessons and resources for teaching economics
Economic Education Web
A site run by the University of Nebraska--Omaha that has a collection of internet resources pertaining to economics
The Mint
A site dedicated to helping students better understand finances.
Lemonade Stand Game
A game that uses the idea of a lemonade stand to simulate capitalism. Students can adjust prices due to demand or other factors that influence the market in an effort to maximize their profit.
TV for Economics
A website made by economics instructors who provide examples of popular television episodes that can be used to explain economic concepts
The Economics of Seinfeld
A website with clips from Seinfeld that illustrate economics concepts
Stock Market Simulation
A stock market simulation where students can register "money" for stocks and chart their progress
National Priorities Project/Federal Budget Trade-Offs
An interactive website where you compare programs in the federal budget with each other
New York Times Budget Puzzle
An interactive site where students are in charge of the nation's finances
GEN I Revolution
A game sponsored by the Council for Economics Education that gets students to help people who need "economic help"
Kahn Academy
The free educational website that offers online tutorials for a variety of subjects, but especially for math, science, and economics
Resources for Psychology
Nobel Prize
A website devoted to many of the major scientific breakthroughs in world history, including many for psychology. Has games that allow students to experiment with the different theories. Specifically, a few are Split Brain exercises, Pavlov's Dog, Nerve Signaling, and the Human Ear
BBC Human Body and Mind
A great resource for a variety of psychological and personality tests that you can use with your students.
Neuroscience for Kids
A website created by faculty at the University of Washington that explains psychology concepts related to neuroscience in a kid-friendly fashion
Social Psychology Network
A huge search engine devoted to social psychology
Teaching High School Psychology Blog
A blog where high school psychology teachers can post strategies that have worked in their classrooms. As with any other type of blog, don't assume that what is posted actually works. Rather, use it to get ideas for your classroom.
Clips for Class
A website devoted entirely to video clips that can be used in the psychology classroom.
Jung/Meyers-Briggs Test
An online version of the classic personality test that suggests possible career paths for students
Stroop Test
An online version of the classic reading inference test
Selective Attention Test
The famous selective attention test from researchers at the University of Illinois
Stanford Prison Experiment
A website devoted to the famous experiment
A Class Divided
A PBS special devoted to the famous diversity experiment conducted by Jane Elliott
North Carolina Social Studies Links
North Carolina Center for International Understanding
A site dedicated to increasing education and awareness among North Carolinians about international issues
North Carolina Council of Economic Education
Dedicated to the economic education of K-12 students in North Carolina
North Carolina Geographic Alliance
A site dedicated to improving the teaching and learning of geography in North Carolina schools
The North Carolina Humanities Council
An organization dedicated to research and preservation of North Carolina culture. Has resources for educators.
State Museums and Park Websites:
Levine Museum of the New South
North Carolina Museum of Art
North Carolina Museum of History
North Carolina Museums Council (listing of museums in North Carolina by county)
North Carolina Office of Archives and History
National Parks in North Carolina
North Carolina State Parks
Local Museums and Historical Collections:
African-American Atelier Inc. (promoting art by African-American artists)
Preservation Greensboro Inc.
Charlotte Hawkins Brown Museum
Green Hill Center for North Carolina Art
Greensboro Children's Museum
Greensboro Historical Museum
Mendenhall Plantation (example of a Quaker home in Jamestown)
High Point Museum
General Teaching Tools (Non-Social Studies Specific)
Allows you to use your smartphone to quickly grade a class-set of reusable scantron forms
Allows you to send group texts to students and parents
A free learning management system for educators
A tool that allows you to collect student data by having them hold up placards
Bubbl Graphic Organizer Software
This is a free, open source software that acts very similar to Inspiration. You can create graphic organizers of material and save up to three of them.
Poll Everywhere
A site that allows you to use students' cell phones in class to respond to questions anonymously. Great for talking about controversial events or when you want to get non-talkative students involved in class discussions. The site is free for classes of under 30 people.
Resources for History
BBC History
A collection of games, simulations, lesson plans, and other resources pertaining to European and ancient history. To find the educational content, use the links on the bottom of the page.
1619 Project
Full text of a project by The New York Times to reorient the teaching of U.S. History from the start of slavery. Includes instructional activities for educators
The History Channel
A collection of videos and lessons relating to all aspects of history
A site that allows you to create word clouds from large amounts of text. A unique way of looking at historical speeches and other text.
A very cool resource that uses social data and then maps it. Great to show social changes over time and across the globe, which could be used in a variety of social studies contexts (e.g., history, sociology, geography, economics)
This site allows students to make online posters using a variety of graphic tools. Great for visual interpretations of content. You do need to register, but it is FREE.
Another website that allows for the creation of digital timelines
This site allows for the creation of fake Facebook pages of historical figures and other famous people.
Crash Course in U.S. History
Short, 15 minute videos that provide a crash course in various topics in U.S. History. Great for review exercises.
A site that allows you to upload pictures and then give those pictures a "voice" by providing them audio dialogue for them to "say"
A website that offers a searchable database for popular music--great for finding songs about specific historical eras and events.
The Library of Congress
The best collection of primary sources relating to American history found on the Internet. The site contains historical documents, oral histories (available in audio), art, music, literature, and other primary artifacts relating to American history and culture
Map Collections
Also operated by the Library of Congress, this contains a variety of historical maps of the U.S. and individual states
Prints and Photographs Collection
Operated by the Library of Congress, this is a searchable database of images from all stages of American history
American Memory Timeline
A timeline of American History with relevant primary sources that have already been adapted for length for the classroom
A collection of historical pictures that are royalty free
Documenting the American South
A site run by UNC-Chapel Hill that provides information and sources about the history of North Carolina and the American South
American Rhetoric
Full Text, MP3 audio, and video of the most famous historical, political, and cultural speeches given in U.S. History.
Digital History
Operated by the University of Houston, a searchable database of American history primary sources.
The Oyez Project
Operated by Northwestern University, a searchable database of U.S. Supreme Court decisions
The Hanover Historical Texts Project
A extensive collection of primary sources related to Ancient, European, and American history.
Medieval Sourcebook
A site sponsored by Fordham University, it contains a plethora of resources and websites for teaching about the Middle Ages, the Crusades, and other topics of that time period.
The National Archives
A collection of lesson plans and resources from the National Archives
Harper's Weekly
A searchable database of American historical political cartoons
Our Documents
A list of the 100 most influential documents in American history
Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History
A collection of resources and documents relating to American History
National Humanities Center
Primary Resources in U.S. History and Literature
The Gutenberg Project
A collection of full text novels and other literature that has been entered into the public domain
Historical Thinking Matters
A site created by Sam Wineburg and operated by George Mason and Stanford Universities, it explains how teachers should best use primary sources in the classroom.
Benchmarks of Historical Thinking
A site that discusses and provides resources on historical thinking and what historical information students should be able to know in primary and secondary education.
Zinn Project
A website devoted to the work of the late Howard Zinn. Contains free material for educators.
WWII Multimedia Database
Website with a ton of primary sources in the form of pictures and other multimedia formats
Virtual Vietnam Wall
Website where you can search all names on the Vietnam War Memorial. Biographical data is given for each name and names can be filtered by state and hometown.
Hiroshima Virtual Museum
Gives pictures and information about Hiroshima before and after the nuclear bomb attacks of 1945
Institute of Egyptian Art and Archaeology
Site run by the University of Memphis pertaining to Egyptian art and archaeology
Ancient Egyptian Pyramids
Virtual tours and other interactive tools related to the pyramids of Egypt. Site is sponsored by PBS.
History of Egyptian Burial Practices
A website with interesting facts about the burial practices of ancient Egypt
Inca Trail/Machu Pichu
A virtual tour and photographs of Machu Pichu and the Inca Trail
The Taj-Mahal
A virtual tour of the Taj-Mahal
Science and Technology of WWII Timeline
A very cool timeline that goes over the major scientific/technological advancements that occurred during the WWII era
Civil War 150
A site run by The History Channel all about the Civil War. Tons of interactive material about weaponry, how soldiers died, who fought, etc.
The National Holocaust Museum
An excellent site that has exhibits, video testimonials from Holocaust survivors and more. (Most museums throughout the world have websites that offer similar features; a Google search is the easiest way to find most of them)
North Carolina Council on the Holocaust
Resources for North Carolina teachers on the Holocaust
International Civil Rights Center and Museum
A website for the museum created to commemorate the students from North Carolina A&T who ushered in the sit-in movement by refusing to leave the F.W. Woolworth building in Greensboro
African-American History Across North Carolina
A timeline of events in African-American history in NC
Slave Narratives from the Federal Writers' Project
Operated by the Library of Congress, this collection contains the written and audio testimony of former slaves as recorded by workers in the Federal Writers' Project, which was created as part of the New Deal legislation to put Americans back to work and combat the Great Depression
Voices from the Days of Slavery
Another collection from the Federal Writers' Project, this collection contains real audio testimonies of former slaves still living in the South in the 1930s.
Indian Education For All
A website operated by the Montana Department of Education in coordination with their Indian Education for All initiative offering lesson plans and activities related to the teaching of American Indians, as well as over 100 video interviews with members of American Indian tribes in Montana on a variety of topics related to tribal life.
The Museum of the American Indian
A website hosted by the Museum of the American Indian, which is operated by the Smithsonian in Washington, D.C.
Japanese-American National Museum
A site dedicated to the history and recognition of Japanese-Americans
National Women's History Project
A website hosted by the National Women's History Project, which provides information and resources relating to women in American history.
Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network
An organization focused on ensuring safe schools for all students. Offers tips on how to make schools safe for LGBT students and provides websites relating to LGBT issues.
The World Bank
Information about low socioeconomic areas in the world and strategies about how to help impoverished areas
Women in World History
A site with primary and secondary sources related to women in world history
Resources for Civics/Government
270 to Win
An interactive Electoral College map of the United States. Users can look at historical breakdowns of past elections as well as manipulate the Electoral College as a way of predicting future elections.
Popular and Electoral College Data Results, 1789-2008
Interactive site shows historical election results by year and state
A web-based civic education project inspired by former Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor. The focus is on providing students with information and tools needed to participate in American democracy.
Pros and Cons of Controversial Issues
Lists over sixty controversial issues and a neutral, non-partisan comparison
Census Data Maps
Sponsored by the New York Times, this website allows students to visually look at census data
City Data Maps
This website generates city maps based on the most recent census data and provides information related to race, household income, and poverty levels.
The Living Room Candidate
A large collection of presidential advertisements/commericals from 1952-2008.
Project Vote Smart
Gives voting decisions and other information about candidates and elected officials.
Annenberg Political Fact Check
A non-partisan organization that assesses the accuracy of a candidate's information in ads, speeches, and debates
Cagle Political Cartoon Database
A collection of daily political cartoons from major newspapers throughout the United States
Polling Report
A collection of polling data from all of the major polling companies
PBS Current Events
A site devoted to teaching students about current events.
Teaching with the News
Another site devoted to teaching students about current events--more emphasis on international news
International Documents Collection
A site sponsored by the Northwestern University Library that contains governmental and geographic data from all nations in the world
Deliberating in a Democracy
An organization dedicated to encouraging deliberation in the classroom. Resources, activities, and lessons on controversial public issues can be found, alongside research done in each of the Deliberating in a Democracy sites throughout the world
Constitution Project
A site sponsored by the University of Richmond that provides drafts of constitutions from nations throughout the world
Election Guide
A website that gives statistics and election results for current elections throughout the world
The Economist
News and Statistical Data from the United States and around the world
BBC News
Leading source for international news
Global Issues
A collection of essays and other resources on many of the world's major global issues and problems
A website that lists liberal and conservative talking points and data for controversial political/social issues
A website that allows you to adapt current event articles to various reading levels
Resources for Geography
CIA World Factbook
A comprehensive site that gives demographic and physical data about every country in the world
Nation Background Notes
Part of the State Department website that gives economic, political, and geographic data about every country in the world
National Geographic
A collection of lessons and resources related to geography
A site operated by National Geographic, contains interactive features for students.
Show World
A great site that allows you to manipulate maps of the world based on demographic and geographic factors.
Another great site that allows you manipulate maps of the world based on demographic and geographic factors.
Resources for Economics
Econ Ed Link
A site with lessons and resources for teaching economics
Economic Education Web
A site run by the University of Nebraska--Omaha that has a collection of internet resources pertaining to economics
The Mint
A site dedicated to helping students better understand finances.
Lemonade Stand Game
A game that uses the idea of a lemonade stand to simulate capitalism. Students can adjust prices due to demand or other factors that influence the market in an effort to maximize their profit.
TV for Economics
A website made by economics instructors who provide examples of popular television episodes that can be used to explain economic concepts
The Economics of Seinfeld
A website with clips from Seinfeld that illustrate economics concepts
Stock Market Simulation
A stock market simulation where students can register "money" for stocks and chart their progress
National Priorities Project/Federal Budget Trade-Offs
An interactive website where you compare programs in the federal budget with each other
New York Times Budget Puzzle
An interactive site where students are in charge of the nation's finances
GEN I Revolution
A game sponsored by the Council for Economics Education that gets students to help people who need "economic help"
Kahn Academy
The free educational website that offers online tutorials for a variety of subjects, but especially for math, science, and economics
Resources for Psychology
Nobel Prize
A website devoted to many of the major scientific breakthroughs in world history, including many for psychology. Has games that allow students to experiment with the different theories. Specifically, a few are Split Brain exercises, Pavlov's Dog, Nerve Signaling, and the Human Ear
BBC Human Body and Mind
A great resource for a variety of psychological and personality tests that you can use with your students.
Neuroscience for Kids
A website created by faculty at the University of Washington that explains psychology concepts related to neuroscience in a kid-friendly fashion
Social Psychology Network
A huge search engine devoted to social psychology
Teaching High School Psychology Blog
A blog where high school psychology teachers can post strategies that have worked in their classrooms. As with any other type of blog, don't assume that what is posted actually works. Rather, use it to get ideas for your classroom.
Clips for Class
A website devoted entirely to video clips that can be used in the psychology classroom.
Jung/Meyers-Briggs Test
An online version of the classic personality test that suggests possible career paths for students
Stroop Test
An online version of the classic reading inference test
Selective Attention Test
The famous selective attention test from researchers at the University of Illinois
Stanford Prison Experiment
A website devoted to the famous experiment
A Class Divided
A PBS special devoted to the famous diversity experiment conducted by Jane Elliott
North Carolina Social Studies Links
North Carolina Center for International Understanding
A site dedicated to increasing education and awareness among North Carolinians about international issues
North Carolina Council of Economic Education
Dedicated to the economic education of K-12 students in North Carolina
North Carolina Geographic Alliance
A site dedicated to improving the teaching and learning of geography in North Carolina schools
The North Carolina Humanities Council
An organization dedicated to research and preservation of North Carolina culture. Has resources for educators.
State Museums and Park Websites:
Levine Museum of the New South
North Carolina Museum of Art
North Carolina Museum of History
North Carolina Museums Council (listing of museums in North Carolina by county)
North Carolina Office of Archives and History
National Parks in North Carolina
North Carolina State Parks
Local Museums and Historical Collections:
African-American Atelier Inc. (promoting art by African-American artists)
Preservation Greensboro Inc.
Charlotte Hawkins Brown Museum
Green Hill Center for North Carolina Art
Greensboro Children's Museum
Greensboro Historical Museum
Mendenhall Plantation (example of a Quaker home in Jamestown)
High Point Museum